
First of all, I want to wish everyone a very happy holiday season and a happy new year. That is where this will take us. Happy Holidays and Happy new year. The key word being Happy. It is the end of another year. We have, even though time is not linear, gone through another year. I can hope that personally I am wiser, more patient, show more compassion and grace, and care less what people think of me.

As we approach the end of a business calendar year, I want to concentrate on family and friends and the relationships that really matter. It is so easy to get caught up with trying to finish this or that, write this or that report and for many people this time will become more stressful than any other time. Many people if still working full time will have a few days to enjoy and wrap up the year. I like to remind myself that if I have jumped on my phone to answer e-mails or have taken this or that call during the time where I am supposed to be “off” and with family, here is another chance to give the attention to those who really deserve it.

As I have grown older, I like to say that I did not neglect my family and friends during the “time off” season. I like to realize that time is the only commodity I cannot control and is fleeting. Kids and loved ones are getting older and time with them may be getting more and more limited as their attentions are monopolized by “other important” things. I like to enjoy as much of this free time listening to family. Really listening not to make a comment but to just take everything in about those people who I love.

As a person that makes his living by talking, this is a difficult shift. I like to think that drafting articles like is more for my own benefit than the benefit of who reads it. Because as in many cases teaching is easy, but actually following my own advice is not always the case. “Life is supposed to fun” is the moto of Abraham-Hick’s teaching and I try to remember that every second of every day. Most of the time I make till breakfast before some urgent matter, or a sly comment throws me off track. This year in particular, with the polarizing elections, there will be allot of sly comments coming and going. I intend to smile and laugh it off and not give energy to things that will shift my mood.

I realize I cannot change anyone’s mind about anything in a few minutes of conversation. Why would I upset myself, and others trying. Just smile and enjoy each other’s company. Just listen to the kids talk about their excitement and do NOT CRITIQUE or offer criticism. There are 365 days in 2025 available for that. In the little time that is left in 2024, I intent to just be in the moment. Take time to appreciate all the blessings that are available to me. Concentrate on my spirituality and being kind. Many people actually enjoy being of service and being of service without lip service is the best service of them all.

Weather I believe in the LOA (Law of Attraction), or not does not matter now. There is nothing to be gained in arguing about it. I can just realize that what ever the case I can control how I REACT TO THE SITUATION, and I choose to be happy now. In the end everything I want to teach, or argue for or against, I do to make myself happy. Ego has no place in my holiday season. I do not have to win arguments. In fact, if there are arguments, then I have completely missed the meaning of holidays.

It is time slow down physically and mentally. It does not matter if I am going to be late a few minutes. Take time to really look at things, and enjoy the smell of rain, and enjoy the warmth of the sun. I like to listen for birds and animals in the woods. I most enjoy listening to the laughter of young and old. Laughter is and should be contagious. I like to laugh out loud regardless of who is watching. If I laugh long enough even the grinch will laugh with me. So, love, laugh, and be happy because that is your birth right and if you do not believe that, then just do it because it feels good.

Always remember “you can be what you will to be” and it all starts with feeling good now. As always to your success.